Sunday, January 27, 2013

Don't be a Dumb Belle

Don't be a Dumb Belle
3 – 4 sets

10 squats

10 deadlift

10 DB bench press

10 DB  1 arm row (per arm)

10 DB shoulder press

10 lat pull down

10 DB bicep curl

10 DB overhead tricep extension (ask Kevin for demo)

60 second max effort bicycle

Press Your Luck

Press Your Luck:

3 – 4 sets of with little to no rest all on machines

12 chest press

12 seated row

12 shoulder press

12 lat pull down

12 leg press

12 leg extension

12 leg curl

12 handing bent leg

60 sec max effort bicycle

Able to Cable

Remember to warm up and stretch first. Do not begin your 'time' until you start the first pulldown.

Able to Cable:

3 – 4 sets with no to little rest

12 cable straight arm pulldown

12 cable chest presses (can sub machine)

12 cable torso twists per side (can sub similar machine)

12 cable water ski row (or just air squat)

500 meter max effort row
After your workout, post your weight amounts and total time (if you want to).
Ok ladies... my husband went to work writing some great plans for us! I am so happy to post these workouts, and really hope to see you at the gym this week.

For those who cannot come on a day when I am there (M,T,Th 9:30-10:30ish), please try to go some other time that day. Doing the workouts in order is optimal, but if it just doesn't work with your schedule, that's ok. The workouts are meant to build on themselves as you are ready for them to. So, you will track the amount of weight you use, the time it takes and such... then try to go heavier weight and faster time the next time you do that particular set. I recommend bringing either a smart phone or paper and pen to keep track of these things. You will not be able to remember from memory. I also recommend bringing water or sports drink and a small towel (hand size). You WILL sweat!

Before starting each weight training session, we need to warm up. Kevin suggested a couple of things to choose from: 500 meters on the rowing machine or 5-10 minutes on a cardio machine (such as bike, treadmill, eliptical). Then follow that up with stretching. Stretch quads, hamstrings, groin, calves, shoulders, chest, and tri’s.

I have decided to name each workout so we will know which one is which for tracking purposes. The workout I am doing Monday is named Able to Cable.
The workout I am doing on Tuesday is named Press Your Luck. It's a longer workout and will take a little bit longer to complete.

And last but not least the workout I am doing Thursday is called Don't be a Dumb Belle.

Hope to see someone in the morning at 9:30 a.m.!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The purpose of this blog is to showcase the workouts for each week that our small fitness group will be completing. Some people cannot come on the same day as others so this blog will be a good way to keep up with accountability. Once you complete the workout, post a comment with your stats. Stats can include whatever you are comfortable posting (this is an open blog). Some suggestions would be weight amounts, number of reps, if the workout was for 'time,' you can list that. Hopefully this will keep everyone motivated to do the workout at some point even if it's not the same day as someone else in the group. I really want the focus to be on motivation for better health.

My sweet husband will be writing the workouts in a simple format. Each week, he will write 3 gym workouts (requires weights, machines or a pool) and 3 home workouts (using body weight, stretchy bands or balance ball). He will give a suggested weight based on what he thinks I can do. You, of course, may choose to go a bit lighter or heavier at first, but the idea is that you will keep a journal so that you can increase weights, reps and such over time. I cannot stress enough to listen to your own body. Do not try to take on more than you are ready for and get injured. My husband is not a doctor and therefore cannot take responsibility for your health. I will post each workout separately so that you can comment for that particular workout after completing it. The gym workouts will be labeled by week and workout 1, 2 and 3. The home workouts will be labeled by week and smurkout 1, 2 and 3.

Because my husband and I have also taken on the challenge of eating a more paleo meal plan, I might also post recipes from time to time that we found to be both healthy and tasty!

So without further ado... welcome to our group! I have chosen the name Sonya's Workout Smurkout World because it's easy to remember the name and the web address. We can even call it SW2 for short. lol

I will be at the gym this week on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30 a.m. Those who can join me, come on! Those who cannot, please do the workouts anyway and post your stats so we know who to encourage!